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Chapter 62: That The Wide World Might Fly From Its Hinges

Thou hast been faithful in a very interesting way. — Afternoon, May 14, 2017 Citadel West It was afternoon, and we met together in the command center. Me. Sarah. The four Cometspawn. Vihaan, the Comet King’s uncle, chief of … Continue reading

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Chapter 61: And Ololon Said, Let Us Descend Also, And Let Us Give Ourselves To Death In Ulro Among The Transgressors

He has a devil-may-care-so-let-us-make-every-effort-to-be-considerate-of-his-infernal-highness’s-feelings attitude. — Steven Kaas September 20, 1999 Colorado Springs [Content warning: Thamiel chapter. Sorry for short chapter. Story will pick up again next week as we move into final arc.] Midnight falls in the Garden of … Continue reading

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Chapter 60: O Rose, Thou Art Sick

There is free memory available into which we can design our programs, to increase the trespass of Israel. — September 3, 1999 Magdalena, New Mexico It could have been that she was pretty once. Now her face was sunken, … Continue reading

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Chapter 59: Clothe Yourself In Golden Arms

This is a reasonable approach for handling small problems, but it would be awkward if there were any that did understand, and seek God. — Evening, May 13, 2017 New York City When she thought about it, Erica guessed … Continue reading

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Chapter 58: …And Now The Form Of Enion

The LORD is greater than or equal to the expression involving f(y) — Evening, May 13, 2017 Citadel West I. “We’ll try this again,” said Sohu. “Look into my eyes.” I looked, I listened, I let myself fall into … Continue reading

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Chapter 57: Now Taking On Ahania’s Form…

The word of the LORD is a great deal of research activity in this area, and probabilistic algorithms have been fruitfully applied. — Evening, May 13, 2017 Citadel West Sohu asked whether I wanted to help her with the … Continue reading

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Chapter 56: Agony In The Garden

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, Do you know what I know? In your palace warm, mighty king, Do you know what I know? A child, a child shivers in the cold Let us bring him silver and … Continue reading

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Chapter 55: None Can Visit His Regions

I’ve reserved this space as a safety zone for pouring my empty and vain wishes. — July 1999 Siberia Overtly, the meaning of “king” is “a hereditary monarch”. Kabbalistically, the meaning of “king” is “one who fights for freedom”. … Continue reading

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Chapter 54: My Course Among the Stars

[Sorry for short chapter today, I am on vacation. Will make it up next week.] Spring 1999 Colorado So passed fifteen years. New factories rose up. New mines sunk beneath the earth. New roads crisscrossed the mountains. Laboratories, barracks, fortresses, … Continue reading

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Chapter 52: The King Of Light Beheld Her Mourning

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the possible values of x and f(x). — July 29, 2001 Gulf Of Mexico Winter ended. Summer passed. Another and another. Uriel taught Sohu for eight more years after … Continue reading

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