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Tag Archives: author’s note

Postscript 1: Wrap Parties + Fan Music

It’s kabbalistically important that there only be ten author’s notes, so this is a postscript even though the book isn’t technically finished yet. The Berkeley wrap party will be at 4:30 on Sunday, location and directions here. There is no … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 10: HaMephorash, HaMephorash, Party

This is by Raymond Arnold. And hopefully you didn’t miss the Bayesian Choir’s rendition of the title song. Relevant wiki articles: Garden of the Gods, Samuel Butler, the Butlerian Jihad, The Red Wheelbarrow, The New Colossus, Eli, Eli, Pike’s Peak, … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 9: Uriel, Purim, Yisrael

More fanart. From Miniti8, a Uriel and Sohu picture: I don’t know why everyone pictures Uriel as having an absurd number of eyes, but I think it works. Also, from Xenograteful on Reddit (click picture to expand, explanations here) If … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 8: Textbook, Erica, Indianapolis

Art, starting with a cover for Kabbalah: A Modern Approach (I can’t find the original artist, tell me who you are so I can give you credit!): And by Tumblr user topquarkintown, Uriel stacking twelve-dimensional shapes: …and Erica: Here’s a … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 7: Zizek, Rebbe Again, Communism

Slavoj Zizek on the kabbalistic meaning of Castro’s name. Search for “Yeah, but again” in the transcript. Of course the Lubavitcher Rebbe had an opinion on the Apollo 8 mission. Plot-relevant articles: Leibniz and the I Ching, divine simplicity, Atzmus, … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 6: Flammarion, 8, Hackers

From Evan M: an Unsong version of the Flammarion engraving. He explains: Aaron Smith-Teller is reaching for the knowledge of the Lord (as represented by the Left Hand of God), with the cloud-fortresses of the angels hovering above the sky, … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 5: San Francisco, Polytopes, Divine Cars

Some more good fanart, this time of Unsong’s San Francisco: This comes courtesy of Mehitabel Glenhaber. I am all in favor of doing the thing Eliezer did where creating good enough fanart earns your name a cameo in the book. … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 4: Moon Landing, Rebbe, Podcast Again

I should probably start off with yet more fanart of Sohu. I guess by this point I’ve gotten the message about character readers like. Relevant wiki (and other) articles: the Cainites, CREEP, Pardes (ie the four-rabbis-in-an-orchard story) Elisha ben Abuyah, … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 3: Microfic, Gaming, Sohu

Interlude ח is now up. Relevant Wikipedia articles for the past few chapters: Comet West, the Kaifeng Jews, Had Gadya, the Gale-Shapley algorithm, John Dee, Enochian language, location arithmetic, Metatron, Raziel, Samyazaz, the Watcher Angels, the Golden Gate in Jerusalem, … Continue reading

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Author’s Note 2: Podcast, Llull, Meetups

Looks like it’s time for another author’s note. I have two more chapters and one last interlude planned for Book One, so that should be wrapped up by mid-April. After that there will be a Passover bonus chapter, then onward … Continue reading

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